Our Brand Promise... Continually growing our people into exceptional Lean thinkers, who create & manufacture products that redefine the way you work.
Our LEAN approach to business means that we are continuously improving our products, by sourcing the best materials and reviewing our manufacturing processes DAILY. We know that when you require a safety product, you need it urgently and why pay through the nose to get a great product, manufactured your way?
Manufacturing high quality warehouse steps since 1992

1992 - Maurice & Margaret Bailey started MFB Fabrications Ltd. and began manufacturing steel mobile warehouse steps and trolleys
2009 - Ashley Bailey (their son) then took over the business becoming the Managing Director (CEO)
2012 - We began our Lean journey, tripling our production output and reducing our lead time by 50%
CURRENT DAY - We are continuing our Lean journey and continuously improving our processes
We embarked on our 'Lean Journey' in July 2012, it has made an incredible change within our company; we have tripled our production output, halved our Lead time and in most years since, have prevented yearly price increases when our competitors haven't!
That's just to scratch the surface; we have had the opportunities to network and visit companies all over the world to see how they run and have in turn hosted factory tours with unbelievable success! From Ireland, to Windeck, Germany, Bellingham, Washington to Fort Collins, Colorado and counting!
We are very grateful to be a part of an elite group of Lean enthusiasts, we feel blessed to get the opportunity to attend and speak at a yearly Global Lean Leadership Summit!

We believe in having a culture dedicated to 'delivering happiness', we strive to provide the best customer service experience. We have a passion for continuous improvement and we have fun coming to work to bask in the thought of 'we're here to make a difference'!
The by-product of creating a great culture is... We can offer an excellent product, at a reasonable cost, that has an excellent lead time.